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Noticias de la Industria

  • Precauciones en la construcción del cable de fibra óptica ADSS
    Aug 16,2023
    With the continuous development of the power grid, the requirements for communication are becoming more and more important, and the construction of fiber optic cable networks in power systems has developed rapidly. At present, the ADSS fiber optic cable of the power system is basically erected on the same tower as the 110kV and 220kV transmission lines. The installation of the ADSS fiber optic cab
  • Requisitos generales para materias primas para la producción de cables de fibra óptica
    Aug 15,2023
    Regarding to the general requirements for raw materials for optical fiber cable Production, Fiber cable manufacturers will give you a detailed introduction of Outer sheath, optical fiber, steel wire, loose tube, fiber paste, water-blocking, kvaler today:
  • Proceso de Control de Fabricación de Cable Óptico ADSS fibra óptica
    Aug 05,2023
    Al producir cables de fibra óptica ADSS, la velocidad de la línea de producción debe controlarse dentro de un rango adecuado de requisitos del proceso. La velocidad de la línea de producción de fundas generalmente se controla entre 20 sim y 25 m/min. El grosor de la pared y el diámetro exterior de los cables ADSS son más grandes que los cables ópticos comunes. , por lo que su capacidad de extrusió
  • Las medidas de protección contra rayos para cables de fibra óptica para exteriores
    Aug 04,2023
    With the development of the network, optical fiber is used as a medium for transmitting data in the integrated wiring system, because it has the advantages of high transmission rate and long distance, it is more and more used by people. As we all know, the optical fiber is non-conductive and can be protected from the impact current. The outdoor optical fiber cable also has good protection performa
  • ¿Cómo elegir la especificación de cable óptico GYXTW adecuada?
    Aug 02,2023
    GYXTW optical cable is a commonly used optical communication cable, which has the advantages of high transmission rate, large bandwidth, and strong anti-interference, we can customize unitube light armored gyxtw cable from 2-24 core.
  • ¿A qué problemas se debe prestar atención al transportar e instalar cables de fibra óptica?
    Aug 02,2023
    Optical fiber cable is a signal transmission carrier for modern communication. It is mainly produced by four steps of optical fiber through coloring, sheathing (loose and tight sheath), cabling and sheathing (depending on the process). Once the protection is not good during the construction on site, it will cause great loss if it is damaged. So what problems should be paid attention to during the
  • ¿Qué es el cable de tierra óptico OPGW?
    Jul 27,2023
    OPGW is primarily used by the electric utility industry, placed in the secure topmost position of the transmission line where it “shields” the all-important conductors from lightning while providing a telecommunications path for internal as well as third party communications. Optical Ground Wire is a dual functioning cable, meaning it serves two purposes. It is designed to replace traditional stat
  • ¿Qué es un cable autoportante totalmente dieléctrico (ADSS)?
    Jul 26,2023
    As we all know, ADSS optical fiber cable and OPGW optical cable belong to power cables. They make full use of the unique resources of the power system and closely integrate the grid structure with construction. They are economical, reliable, and fast. , safe. The power special optical cable is less likely to be damaged by external force and has high reliability.
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